Farm Share Week 14

Farm Share Week 14

Well, it’s a week of brilliant colour, and I think a good part of that can be attributed to the sweet peppers finally taking on their red and yellow hues. We also have the attractively striped delicatta squash, which has a more “potato-like” texture...

Farm Share Week 13

Happy Back to School Everyone! Ok, maybe it’s happier for the parents sometimes, but I suppose the structure of school makes the freedom of summer all the sweeter for the kids. Here is what will be greeting you on your porch this week: Half Share -field tomatoes...
Farm Share Week 12

Farm Share Week 12

As you scope the flyers for last-minute back to school gear and perhaps sneak in a few last camping or beach trips, we are doing the last of the seeding (mostly for greenhouse crops now) and beginning to harvest some fall crops, such as cabbage and squash. Many of our...