Farm Share Week 18 (Oct 2-4, 2013)

  So this week I am joining you in the challenging endevour of eating both dairy and gluten-free. We saw a 4th year student at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (where we have quite a few wonderful Farm Share customers) overseen by a licensed...

Farm Share Week 17 (Sept 25-27, 2013)

Welcome to fall! We’ve had a brisk start to the week but some lovely 20-degree highs complete with sunshine are in the forecast. That’s some ideal fall growing weather! It’s also Organic Week, a time to celebrate all things organic. How do you plan...

Farm Share Week 16 (Sept 18-20, 2013)

First frost of the season. It came rather early this year. We farmers watch the forecast with holy fear, playing a game of odds as we decide when to spring into action to defend our crops. Many things affect a frost other than temperature. Even temperatures above zero...

Farm Share Week 14 (Sept 4-6, 2013)

Happy back to school everyone! I’m going to keep it brief but meaningful this week. Half Shares • Spinach • Eggplant (or zucchini) • Buttercup squash • Grape tomatoes (great for lunches) • Romaine lettuce • Mini red romaine lettuce (a bonus item as it’s teeny) •...