How to Order

Ordering is Simple:

  1. Go to “What is Farm Share” to decide which share is best for you.
  2. Go to “Farm Share Boxes” and add your preferred share(s) to your shopping cart.
  3. You can go to your shopping cart by clicking on the shopping cart icon on the upper right of your screen. If you are a returning customer, please log in, or create a login if you do not already have one.
  4. When ready, click Checkout.
  5. Add any special instructions (such as where we should leave your box on delivery day); confirm your order and you’re done!

If you do not wish to use our online ordering system, we are happy to receive orders by email or by phone. Please contact us.

What Happens Next?

The checkout system will send two copies of your order by e-mail: one to you and one to us. Then send payment (if you have not already paid online) by May 28, 2017 or by Mar 31, 2017 if you received the early payment discount via check or email money transfer and you will receive an update that your account payment has been received. You will receive an email that details delivery or pickup arrangements prior to the start of the season. If your online account says “Thank You for Your Purchase”, you can expect to receive an email with your delivery details and your first delivery the week of June 6th or the following week depending on the share you selected.