Happy back to school! The pumpkins may be hinting we’re heading into fall, but the hot weather and watermelon say otherwise! Hope you enjoy the last of our sweetest gift to you. The watermelon will last a couple weeks in the fridge but the cantaloupe goes a lot faster so I recommend digging in a.s.a.p.
Hope you find lots of lunch box inspiration with cherry tomatoes, ground cherries (like natures little pre wrapped candy), cucumber, field tomatoes and romaine. And yes, super fresh green beans can totally be lunch worthy too! Newsletter coming soon with some recipe ideas for the lunch box (subscribe by filling out your email at the bottom of the home page : https://zephyrorganics.com
I never know what to do with my eggplant, so here are 2 recipes if you’re not a huge fan of eggplant like our family to try! eggplant and swiss chard stir fry as well as an eggplant parmesan rolls with swiss chard and mint.
Don’t forget if you ever need recipe ideas that we have a pinterest page that you can check out with ALL sorts of yummy recipes all sorted by different sections.
Don’t forget if you ever need recipe ideas that we have a pinterest page that you can check out with ALL sorts of yummy recipes all sorted by different sections.
Here is your list!
Half Shares
Field tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes
Ground cherries (small clamshell with papery husked orange fruits)
Assorted melons
Spaghetti squash (tawny to yellow in colour, slice in half legthwise, remove seeds and bake bake at 400 for 50 mins and enjoy a tasty and gluten free noodle!)
Red swiss chard
Field tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes
Ground cherries (small clamshell with papery husked orange fruits)
Assorted melons
Spaghetti squash (tawny to yellow in colour, slice in half legthwise, remove seeds and bake bake at 400 for 50 mins and enjoy a tasty and gluten free noodle!)
Red swiss chard
Whole Shares (same as above with…)
Saladette tomatoes
Green kale
Spanish onions
Green peppers
Fruit Shares
Bananas 3lbs
Red watermelon (Zephyr) lrg
Peaches, BC (5)
Strawberries 1lb
Valencia Oranges (4)