After a seemingly never ending winter the first week of farm share is here! I hope you all are as excited as I am about the sun shining and the wonderful fruits and veggies that the farm will provide us all again this year for the next 22 weeks 🙂
Last year was my first year as a member of the farm share-and my family and I picked up a weekly half share and decided this year to do a bi-weekly whole share since the produce lasted so long from week to week (I even had some for 4 weeks without issues…what can I say-I am still learning to love beets lol!)
The recipe this week is something simple-since it’s my husband’s birthday today and he requested lasagna and garlic bread-neither of which things from the share could help much with. I decided to make a simple salad-which easily could be adapted to your families tastes (feta cheese-nuts-apples-croutons-etc).
Growing up I wasn’t a big fan of salad-because it was pretty much lettuce and dressing. Last year was my first experience with bok choy (other than ordering stir fry from the restaurants) and I decided I loved how fresh and crisp and refreshing it was. So I began throwing it in pretty much everything-our salads included.  This simple salad everything came from the share. Super exciting I know-but I promise more adventurous recipes as the weeks pass 🙂
One baby bok choy-bottems chopped off (kept the stems but separated them from the leaves just so they are in a more manageable size)
One green onion chopped
A few pieces of kale
One radish
Here is what you can look forward to in your boxes this week.
- asparagus
- rhubarb
- green onion
- leeks
- green kale
- baby bok choy
- radishes
- jerusalem artichokes
- parsnips
- spinach or 2nd kale
Whole Share
- asparagus
- rhubarb
- green onion
- leeks
- green kale
- baby bok choy
- radishes
- jerusalem artichokes
- parsnips
- spinach
- garlic chives
- basil pots (please do not refridgerate)
- turnip (nice and mild)
- 2nd asparagus
- 2nd baby bok choy