Hello from the farm! I was blessed to spend some time away from the farm this weekend with some of my best girlfriends. It’s nice to come back to busyness and abundant labours of the farm refreshed and rejuvenated! I must be a farmer through and through- I was delighted to visit a lavender farm in Prince Edward County, and of course had to come home with a lavender plant! My mother in law tells me it may not fare well over winter, so I may end up planting it in a large container. Even the foliage of the plant, which has no blooms yet, smells amazing!
Spanish onions are filling out beautifully and will be filling your boxes soon! The sunflowers are getting tall! Cauliflower must be tied up and kept out of sun to keep it’s beautiful white colour
Now for your boxes: green beans are just in! They taste great fresh or steamed until tender but still bright green, and of course, butter never hurts ;)! Another new addition this week is cauliflower. This is one of my kid’s favourites, but is one of the most difficult veggies to grow organically. The cauliflower in your boxes are not perfect, but they sure are good and tasty. You can steam and garnish with a little cheese, or get fancy and make it into cauliflower rice. We also have red kale. If you want to see something amazing, steam it and check out the colour of the water after. You will be surprised! Hint- it’s not red…Not into steamed kale? Make it a crunchy vegan-friendly cheesy snack.
Hope you enjoy your farm goodies this week, and stay cool!